Street ArtArtwalk is back in the district

For two days this weekend, Second Ave. North and the surrounding blocks will turn once again into the bustling art show known as Artwalk, now in its ninth iteration. In recent years, Artwalk has blossomed into a premium event, featuring scrumptious vittles, live music, wandering street acts, work by over 100 artists to peruse and all at the cost of nothing to you, dear reader. According to the show’s website, over 10,000 people have attended each year for the last two years, and this year should be no exception, especially Friday night, which is known to turn into a giant party as dozens of local businesses throw wide their doors to host what is essentially a giant communal gallery opening.

There couldn’t be a better place downtown to draw 10,000 people to these days, by the way. Second Ave. North is hoarding quite the collection of fabulous little spots, and a trip there on any day is bound to be interesting.

The area also boasts some great architecture, especially the ornate facades on some of the older buildings. If you’ve been harboring a fear of downtown for some unfathomable reason, than a trip to the area Artwalk calls home would certainly make you think twice.

The real piece of Birmingham on display here is the talented visual arts community we harbor. Artwalk’s participating artists are mostly local, with a sprinkling of regional flavor, so if you’ve been wondering what the Birmingham arts community has to offer, than consider this weekend your two-day primer. There will be a host of mediums on offer beyond traditional paintings, including photography, sculpture, prints and jewelry, and for those interested in walking away from the affair with something to fill that blank spot on the wall, a wide array of price ranges will be available within the show.

Volunteering for Artwalk also offers an opportunity for local residents to get involved, and those who do will receive a free t-shirt and free pass to the Artwalk after-party at Sloss Furnaces on Saturday night. Volunteers typically assist artists, sell merchandise and monitor performance venues.

Whether you choose to volunteer, or decide to simply enjoy the excellent art and local flavor that Artwalk has to offer, you are bound to have a good time at the very economical price of free. Who could ask for anything more?

Artwalk begins on Friday night from 5 – 10 p.m. and continues on Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. To find more information on volunteering for Artwalk, preview the artists and art that will be on display or see a map of the venues, visit

Sam George is the managing editor of Birmingham Weekly. Please send your comments to


Orig­i­nally printed in Birm­ing­ham Weekly on September 9, 2010.

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